Ondřej Oliva
Ondřej Oliva completed studies at the Secondary School of Applied Art in Uherské Hradiště (ak. soch.
Zdeněk Tománek). Later on, he studied at Zlínská soukromá vyšší odborná škola umění, o.p.s. (ak. soch. Radim Hanke); in 2005 – 2010, he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, the Studio of
Sculpture I. with Jaroslav Róna. In 2009, he won 2nd place for the design of a fountain for the town
of Černošice. In 2015, he won 1st place for the design of a fountain “Meeting Place“ for the town of
Uherský Brod, which was subsequently implemented. 2016 saw an exposure of the four-meter piece
“Tree of Knowledge” and in 2017 he designed a grave for a legendary footballer Josef Masopust at Vyšehrad cemetery. He is represented in collections in the Czech Republic and abroad, including the National Gallery in Prague since March 2012. In his works, he tries to create visually interesting objects that are readable in terms of their shapes even for ordinary viewers. This is also the reason
why the topics that he chooses are based on everyday objects and things around us. Everyone can
simply put them in their own experience and standards.