Gertrud Štěpán Čapek
The work belongs among the set of sculptures that relate to Čapek’s favourite topic – hair and hairstyle. The author traces the individual arrangements of hair changing into hairstyle and ultimately into an ornament. The ornament phenomenon, together with the spatial nature phenomenon, has become the basic principle for creating these “hairy“ sculptures. Although inspiration proceeds from the very ornament, Čapek is trying to hold it back in the work itself, depriving it of decorativeness. The crucial moment of the work is elimination of the face and the pure interest in the hairstyle and its aesthetics.
Thanks to the standing plaits, the sculpture can remind an animal, which can lighten the perception of the sculpture as hairstyle only.
Štěpán Čapek
Štěpán Čapek is originally from southwestern Germany, but has now been living for more than ten years in the Czech Republic. He graduated from prof. Kurt Gebauer’s Sculpture Studio at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague. His works were exhibited not only in Europe but also, for example, in Beijing. In 2014, he participated in the 8th International Dada Festival in Basel. Since 2009, the citizens of Prague 9 may enjoy the Dancer sculpture that was placed in front of the Prosek Health Centre.
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