The Blue Spot Obsession

combine technique

Open: 10am - 10pm

This idyllic piece is one of the series of Kovářík’s works, which recycles and transforms common daily items and objects found or unnecessary into artistic artefacts. In this case, years have passed and subsequently combined in an enigmatic hundreds of beer cans. Then, the installation was dealt with in a typical colourful way, leaving it without any further explanation of how we explain the meaning of the work.

Jan Kovářík Kovářík


Jan Kovářík completed his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in the Studio of Sculpture of Jindřich Zeithamml. He studied at Intermedial studio of professor Milan Knížák for two semesters. He has been exhibiting independently since 2002. His works are represented in the collection of the National Gallery and in private collections. He moves lightly and freely in the abstract morphology and loves to “dress“ his sculptures in sophisticated coloured or even optical art attire. Last year, he presented his works at the independent exhibition Statuofilia in the Topič House. The title of the exposition makes it clear that he is fully devoted to his art. He lives and works in Prague. 



Would you like to cooperate?

Are you interested in some sculptures, would you like to involve your municipality / city in the festival, do you like our idea and want to become a partner of the festival or support us in any way, write to us.