Palackého street

The ice cream stand on the corner of Havlíčkova Street and the Palackého Street has been open a long time. The recently completed vision of Palackého Street aims to revitalize the entire street and activate its cultural, social and economic potential. It proposes to redefine this place by replacing obsolete and inappropriate street furniture and strengthen the strong side of the place, which is undoubtedly green. Sitting in the shade of grown plane trees, with or without ice cream, will be even more enjoyable in the future. The Greens made a very detailed study of the survey, the design parts were preceded by detailed analysis and many discussions with local residents and users of this space. One of the results was that it turned out that the existing bushes darken the street and, in some cases, even cause pedestrians to worry. Before the changes are made, perhaps Flejšar's hedge jumping horse will temporarily distract this summer.