Sculpture Line
Ústí nad Orlicí 2021

1.1. — 31.12.2021

Ústí nad Orlicí is a district town in the Podorlicko region located in a picturesque valley at the confluence of the Tichá Orlice and Třebovka rivers. The town is situated at the altitude of 350 metres above the sea level and at the distance of 150 kilometres to the east from Prague. Today, there live 15,000 inhabitants. The very beginnings of the town existence fall into the second half of the 13th century when - under the reign of Přemysl Otakar II - the ancient Slavic settlement called Oustí began to grow larger. Its beautiful historical centre with an almost regular-shaped square surrounded by arcades and typically old houses has had the status of the listed urban area since 1991.

The vast majority of the population used to live on agriculture and domestic weaving crafts. The expansion of the textile industry and the engineering production came in the middle of the 19th century in relation with construction of the railway from Olomouc to Prague. These factors influenced life of the town so much that the town became to be called the East Bohemian Manchester.



Alexandra Koláčková (*1964)

Dům dětí a mládeže Ústí nad Orlicí 17. listopadu, Ústí nad Orlicí
Pieces of art have been commonplace in parks and gardens since anyone can remember. They may be a discreet accessory, an extravagant jewel, a guide or a centrepiece of the garden's design – and the main reason for its existence. An art piece and its placement in the garden can have a deeply personal meaning, or it can be the result of a meticulously focused architectural intent. The creations of Alexandra Koláčková are immediately recognizable and her style unmistakable. And yet despite this – or maybe precisely because of this – they set the narration line of the area in motion in so many different ways... They serve as a decorative piece or a climbing frame; they can be the centre of the universe or a tiny surprise hiding under the bench... And that is why I personally value Alexandra's work so much.  Most gardens are not meant to be just observed, but rather used in active ways – their space waiting to be touched, sat on, jogged through... Everything is permitted – even welcome. The same applies to Alexandra Koláčková's sculptures. Their simple, rounded and approachable shapes as well as their larger than life size outright beg to be climbed on. This has a tremendous benefit for a garden architect like me. A garden, with everything in it, should be inviting, welcoming and open to visitors – it should encourage exploration and discovery. In case of Alexandra's sculptures, this is often literally the case, with hands or even whole bodies inviting visitors to sit, lie or rest on them. Whatever they want and whatever they can think of, be it children, their parents or their imagination.  Kateřina Pospíšilová, garden architect
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