1.1. — 31.12.2020
Sculpture Line
Maldonado 2020

With the unfortunate situation in the world currently doesn't permit free movement of individuals, it also makes the movement of sculptures more difficult, as their creators cannot be present when the sculptures are set up. As a result, more and more events, exhibitions and festivals are postponed or cancelled entirely. Through this challenge, we wish to overcome the current limitations and enable the artists to enter already installed sculptures into our Sculpture Line exhibition, so that even more people can see and enjoy them.


Museum of Contemporary Art in Maldonado

Ruta 104 - Km. 4.5 El Chorro, Maldonado, Uruguay CP 20003


Rudy Pulcinelli
Weathering steel

Created for the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, exhibited the first time in Milan's Duomo square, during the event Plaza 2009-Oltre il limite. Observing the work from afar, it appears as a barrier, an obstacle consisting of two parallel monoliths that remind of a segment of the Berlin wall, for years a symbol of restrictions and impossibility of communication. As we get closer, what happens inside becomes more and more legible: a mass of letters of the world's seven most diffused writing systems gushes forcefully outs, as a manifestation of the dialogue, an impetuous and overwhelming force capable of uprooting the walls of forced isolation. Each limit is mirrored by an escape route, a crack through which freedom of expression can flow, to finally erupt like a raging river.

Art Lines Ministerstvo kultury ČR

Would you like to cooperate?

Let us know
Are you interested in some sculptures, would you like to involve your municipality / city in the festival, do you like our idea and want to become a partner of the festival or support us in any way, write to us.