Michal Gabriel

Michal Gabriel


Sculptor and university teacher, ex-dean of Faculty of Fine Arts in Brno (University of Technology). Graduated from SUPŠ and AVU in Prague, in 1987 co-established the famous informal art group Tvrdohlaví. Since 1998, Michal has been working as senior lecturer at Faculty of Fine Arts in Brno and teaches at UMPRUM in Prague. In 1995, he was awarded the prestigious Jindřich Chalupecký award. In 2009, Michal was appointed a professor.


Explorers Hradec Králové 2024

Michal Gabriel (*1960)

Tyrš Bridge, Elbe River Tyrš Bridge, level of the Elbe River, Hradec Králové
The blue figures of the explorers are again gently floating above the water surface, this time in Hradec Králové. Sometimes I get asked about the colour of these statues. This blue colour has the trade name pool blue, the colour of swimming pools, but also the colour of the sky. Recently I realized that it is also the color of information signs along highways. I discovered its unintense contrast in the landscape once myself, through a small sculpture. The light blue sculpture pulled the color of the sky to the ground at the time, and so I had several of my other sculptures pull the blue color of the sky to the ground. And among them are the more simple blue explorers.
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