Le Point D´Interrogation Jun'ichiro Ishii

Le Point D´Interrogation
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
The important thing is not to stop questioning.“
Albert Einstein, 1879-1955
When you look at a wave, it can seem quite mysterious. Lying between air and water, it whispers a simple question; where exactly does the wave exist?
It is a form that doesn‘t have substance. Vague, the uncertain image is always surging in between imagination and information. Perception is like a wave. And if the perception is a form, our existence would be a form as well. It might be possible to say that our existences are continuous of reactions.
Jun'ichiro Ishii
Junichiro Ishii was born in 1975, Fukuoka, Japan. He currently lives in Germany. Since 2004 Junichiro has worked in more than 15 countries all over the world. Between 2012 and 2015 he lived in the Czech republic and Slovakia. Artist‘s focus has slowly shifted from paintings to more complex creative activities which are strongly influenced by specific cultural aspects.
Would you like to cooperate?
Are you interested in some sculptures, would you like to involve your municipality / city in the festival, do you like our idea and want to become a partner of the festival or support us in any way, write to us.

Ondřej Škarka